Anyone who has ever lived overseas knows that you find yourself part of an often tight-knit community of those in your profession/place of employment/or origin of country. Yes, you make friends with locals as well, but for holidays, etc., you find yourself with the familiar. At least I do. And while Thanksgiving is approaching and I am very happy to be spending it with my friends here, my vacations are another story.
I planned a trip in May with a group of friends. There is one possibly going that I do not know very well, but for the most part, the rest I feel I could handle 3 days with and have some good times. The problem then? Well, one of the group has since invited others that are planning to join us. The others are not people I would want to spend my vacation time with in the least bit. We just don't have enough in common and to be frank, I often find myself annoyed with stupid shit they say.
My ticket has already been purchased and is non-refundable. So, my choices are now to 1) not go and lose the money, 2) go and leave the group to do my own thing, which makes me look like a bitch, or 3) stay with the group and suffer. Seriously. UGH!! I would love to spend time with some of the folks going, so I want to do some group stuff. However, I feel I am going to venture out on my own for part of this trip as well. Otherwise, I'll possibly get to the breaking point and say something I shouldn't.
People are always amazed that I like to travel alone. They ask things about whether I get scared, bored, etc. I always say I love traveling alone. I've met some of the most amazing people while out traveling as a single person. But, just once, I wanted to know what it was like to do a large group thing. You know, lots of friends together. Unfortunately, it isn't going to be what I had planned. Next time, I'll be sure to specify that if I join in, the group is set and non-negotiable without consulting others going. On the bright side, it isn't until spring, so I have time to figure it all out.
On a brighter note - school is still going wonderfully. I love my kids and we are having fun together. I even had a parent thank me for making science fun. She would love for her daughter to think life is more than just princesses and fairies. I hope my little girls will see me - make up free and enjoying learning - and grow up knowing that they can do whatever they want, as long as they are happy. I know I am happy and wouldn't change the course my life is on right now by choice. Just maybe the country I live in. ;)
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